Saturday, November 4, 2017

P Chidambaram seeking greater autonomy for J&K raises numerous questions

I don’t support BJP to the extent to which I hate Congress for their appeasement politics, the sold media for their selective outrage and the fake liberals for nothing but their fakeness.

Recently former union minister, P Chidambaram has given a statement supporting the complete autonomy of Jammu and Kashmir. To cover up his statement he added that this should be done within the constitutional framework. 

First of all let me tell you this is not the very first time that a strong leader of the congress party has showed his intention for providing complete autonomy to Jammu and Kashmir. Earlier such statements have already been made by few of their other prominent leaders like P.V. Narasimharao ji and Manmohan Singh ji.

You can tell me that, even Vajpayee ji during his tenure had agreed to talk on this matter. Yes, he had. He had agreed to talk but had never made any statement supporting complete autonomy for J&K. In June 26, 2000 when the state assembly of J&K had passed the autonomy resolution, center had pushed it aside, though two years later; Vajpayee ji made the statement that the center was always open to talk.

But the Congress party has always been famous for its appeasement politics. They have always tried to provide the fake momentary pleasures to lure the minority voters rather than working for their betterment in real.

If P Chidambaram is so much worried for providing complete autonomy to the state, then why did he never raise this issue earlier and why did his party never brought changes in the 370 article even after staying in power for so many years?
Why the outrage found crevices to ooze out in the recent time when the ruling party is looking forward to solve this issue and have come up with the idea of engaging an interlocutor to carry out talks?
The article of 370 was furnished under the leadership of respected lt. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Ji. The autonomy of Kashmir except defense, finance, Ext. affairs and communications was agreed when their party was in power, thus depriving this state from complete autonomy. The flaws in the very same article were made under the rule of their party. This temporary article was carried on for years as such without any amendment even after their party was in rule for the maximum time.
And now when I hear such a statement from the leading member of the same party, I am compelled to ask, WHY?

Is it your insecurities that are coming out in the form of such statements?

Is this just another way to appease a particular community?

Is this just another means to create unrest in the affected area when the Government is sending a party to talk?

Or is this just your own opinion that you shared now? Even if it is so, my question still stands there, why? Why now? Why not before?

What is autonomy within constitutional framework?

What is the meaning of providing J&K complete autonomy but still keeping it intact to India?
I believe complete autonomy and the idea of still staying with the nation cannot co-exist at the same time.

And this is for sure that an independent Kashmir cannot survive on its own. It had failed to do so in past and it will tumble down if given a chance in the future too. If it can survive, then I think this 370 article wouldn’t have come into force in the first place. The independence that they are shouting for was theirs only. It was their king who pleaded infront of the government of India for protection after being attacked by Pakistan.

Many leaders of the Congress party have distanced themselves from the statement made by P Chidambaram. The party has also announced that it was his personal opinion and the party shares nothing in common with him in this context. I agree to it completely. It is not correct to question the entire party for the opinion of any single person.

But why isn’t this idea applicable when you accuse some other party just because of the statements made by its members? Even the paid media joins you in this row blindly and defames many who are not even involved in it, just to satisfy your political needs.
Recently why BJP was questioned for the opinion given by Sangeet Som about the TajMahal? Why no one leaves a chance to accuse BJP for the provocative speeches made by some of its party members? Why Narendra Modi ji was questioned when a person whom he followed in social media made some disgraceful statement? Infact there was a huge protest against the honorable PM of our country leading to a popular hash tag trend to unfollow him. The statement made by the person whom honorable PM followed was shameful but wasn’t it his personal opinion? Then why the PM and the entire party was dragged in for someone else’s personal opinion?
This idea of treating personal opinions as someone’s personal feelings and not linking it to others and disgracing the entire political party is a good idea. But why is this privilege given to a particular party? Why is there always a selective outrage from certain media houses?  

The whole idea of granting complete autonomy to J&K itself arises numerous numbers of questions. Why complete autonomy to a state? Why not to work in the direction of solving their issues, so that there will be no demand for complete autonomy in future? What if complete autonomy will lead to a serious security threat? What if separatists will find the completely autonomous state most favorable ground to achieve their aim? Will not it be like cheating those brave soldiers who for years are fighting relentlessly in the valleys to maintain peace? Will not it be like disrespecting those sacrifices made for protecting this soil?

Kashmir issue is delicate as well as complicated. So, it needs to be tackled efficiently and peacefully only by talks. That is the reason why I think political parties as well as their leaders should refrain themselves from making their opinions public, especially in the time when we are expecting a talk between the government representative and Kashmir leaders. We are not in a state to handle any kind of unrest or hindrance to the peace talk that someone’s opinion can make.
Let’s hope that the talk yields some good results that will bring peace in the valley.  

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