Wednesday, December 28, 2016


16 is turning to 17. I know you will take few days to get used to it. Till then you are going to commit the same mistake of scribbling 2016 everywhere you are going to mention the date. “Oops, its 2017 now. I have to correct it.” Everything will now move on to a new year except you. It can be because you are habituated with 16 from last one year, or can be because you love the year so much that you don’t want it to pass or can be because it was so bad that you are not able to forget it. Whatever the reason may be, now you have to let 2016 go. You can’t incarcerate time. Actually, her purpose in your life is just over now. She came a year back, stayed with you, gave you some good and bad memories and now it’s the time to bid her goodbye.

And now when the year is ending, you are filled with a peculiar yet a known feeling. You have talked about this again and again when a year had ended in the past. “OMG, the year is ending. What have I done in this year?” “Except being the part of the rat race what else have I done?”

Actually you have lived your life so fast, that you forgot to experience it. You fell in love fast, broke up even faster, you made friends fast, made enemies even faster, you believed people fast, you got cheated even faster, you saw dreams and set your goals fast, you forgot them even faster, you settled down on doing something good for the society fast, forgot your notion even faster. You have lived this year and may be many years in the past with rollers fixed on to your legs. You have just moved on and on. You have not stopped for your beloved ones; neither have they done the same for you. 

I understand, in this competitive world, you want to run, you want to improve and you want to win the race. “Winning”, is not a stationary point where you can reach. It keeps on changing. Goal keeps on evolving and you have to chase behind it. I understand that completely. But, in between that you have to live and experience your life. So, I will suggest you to do certain things slowly from this year so that you can experience and treasure them as beautiful memories.

Fall in love but slowly. If you like someone, take your time. Let love bring you both together. If love is conspired between you both, believe me, no one can take that person away from you. There is no need of hurrying into a relationship and breaking it up in no time. You are hurting yourself and definitely the other person. You have no right to hurt anyone else just for the decision you had taken hurriedly.

Make friends, slowly. Not everyone will become your friend; neither can you become everyone’s friend. So take your time, make some good friends for life and experience that true selfless friendship. 

Believe people, slowly again. Know them, judge them and then trust them. There is no point of believing every other person and then complaining that they ditched you. Take your time and find out slowly on whom you can believe.

Except just going in and coming out of that lavish office of yours, you have a passion, nourish it, slowly. Every night before you sleep, you have promised yourself to start working on your passion from the next day. But the very next morning you have always broken that promise of yours. I understand, you have lots of work piled one over the other and the sword of deadline is hanging over your neck. But believe me; this sword will always remain there. So, don’t think that someday you will finish all your jobs and give time to your passion. My friend, that day will never come. So, slow down. Giving few minutes to your passion won’t cost you your next promotion but definitely it will fill your heart and soul with peace and lots of happiness. It may be a small painting you want to do, a poem you want to write or a song you want to record. I don’t know what it is that will give you solace. But slow down, think over it and do it.

After watching the episodes of “Sathyamev Jayate”, you have always planned to do something good for the society. But you forget the same the next day. I will suggest you to get inspired and not ignited. Inspiration is something that stays with you till you do that work. So next time, get inspired and do something good for the society. It can be anything; you can just start by planting a tree or by lending a book to a downtrodden child. So, slow down, think over it, get inspired and bring the change.

Life is not always about running fast and overtaking your competitors. Sometimes it is essential to slow down, so that you can experience the moments. These are the moments which make that you call life. Promotions, hikes, incentives, good appraisals are important. But what are equally important in life are experiences, happiness and peace. And for that you have to slow down and do something that will nourish your soul. I know you know about this very well and I am talking something cheesy. But I am just trying to remind you in case you have forgotten it.  

Wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year.


  1. Very nicely written bro.. Every line of yours is coherent with our real life scenarios, i must say.. kudos to ur practical imagination and yes it's a matter to give it a thought.. :) :)

  2. Nice piece.....very well written

  3. It's good that you have written on the issues that we face everyday in our real life, and also some common solutions to these issues. We can actually correlate these issues and try to solve accordingly. Awesome one..Thanks Amit

  4. It's like a fact..
    A synopsis of what I have done..faced..& wished..
    And sumed up aptly what I will probably do..
    Nicely woven together.. (y)

  5. Yes you're right brother.This is the best new year message.


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